Sports Argentines of European descent

many sports nowadays popular in argentina introduced european immigrants -particularly british- in late 18th , 19th centuries.

juan manuel fangio (1911–1995) f1 racer of italian parents, born in balcarce.

football far popular sport in argentina. brought british railway businessmen , workers, , later embraced passion other collectivities. first official football match ever played in argentina took place on 20 june 1867, when white caps beat red caps 4–0. @ list of players -eight team- shows collection of british names/surnames. white caps : thomas hogg, james hogg, thomas smith, william forrester, james w. bond, e. smith, norman smith , james ramsbotham. red caps : walter heald, herbert barge, thomas best, urban smith, john wilmott, r. ramsay, j. simpson , william boschetti. development of sport in argentina boosted scottish teacher alexander watson hutton. arrived in argentina in 1882 , founded buenos aires english high school in 1884, hiring countryman william walters coach of school s football team. on 21 february 1893 watson founded argentine association football league, historical antecedent of asociación de fútbol argentino. watson s son arnold continued tradition playing during amateur age of argentine football.

tennis imported british immigrants; in april 1892 founded buenos aires lawn tennis club. among founding members, find british surnames: arthur herbert, w. watson, adrian penard, c. thursby, h. mills , f. wallace. example followed british immigrants resided in rosario; f. still, t. knox, w. birschoyle, m. leywe , j. boyles founded rosario lawn tennis.

mauro camoranesi football player won 2006 fifa world cup italy.

the first argentine tennis player of european descent achieve international success mary terán de weiss in 1940s , 1950s; sport, however, considered elite men s sport , efforts popularize activity among women did not prosper @ time. guillermo vilas, of spanish descent, won french open , open both in 1977, , 2 australian open in 1978 , 1979, , popularized sport in argentina.

another sport in argentines european ancestry have stood out car racing. greatest exponent juan manuel fangio, parents both italian. won 5 formula 1 world titles in 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956 , 1957; five-championships record remained unbeaten until 2003, when michael schumacher obtained sixth f1 trophy. exponents carlos alberto reutemann (his grandfather german swiss, , mother italians), reached second place in world drivers championship of 1981.

nicolino locche (1939–2005) professional boxer born in tunuyán, mendoza italian parents. nicknamed untouchable .

boxing popular sport brought british immigrants. first championship ever organized in argentina took place in december 1899, , champion jorge newbery (son of white american odontologist migrated after american civil war), 1 of pioneers of boxing, car racing , aviation in country. list of argentine boxers of european descent should include: luis Ángel firpo (nicknamed wild bull of pampas , father italian , mother spanish), nicolino locche (who nicknamed untouchable defensive style; both parents italian), etc.

golf brought argentina scottish argentine valentín scroggie, established nation s first golf course in san martín, buenos aires in 1892. argentine golf association founded in 1926 , includes on 43,000 members.

hockey sport imported british immigrants in 20th century. played in clubs founded british citizens until 1908, when first official matches between belgrano athletic, san isidro club y pacific railways (today san martín) took place. same year asociación argentina de hockey founded, , first president thomas bell. in 1909 association allowed formation of female teams. 1 of first feminine teams belgrano ladies; played first match on 25 august 1909, against st. catherine s college, winning 1 0.

cycling introduced italian immigrants in argentina in 1898, when founded club ciclista italiano. 1 of first south american champions in sport argentine of italian descent, clodomiro cortoni.

rugby brought british immigrants. first rugby match ever played in argentina took place in 1873; teams bancos (banks) against ciudad (city). in 1886, buenos aires football club , rosario athletic club played first official match between clubs. river plate rugby championship founded on 10 april 1889, , direct antecedent of unión argentina de rugby, created organize local championships; founding clubs belgrano athletic, buenos aires football club, lomas athletic , rosario athletic. first president leslie corry smith, , lomas athletic first champion same year.


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