Excavations McMahan Mound Site
birdman gorget hixon site similar 1 found @ mcmahan
excavations william h. holmes in 1881 unearthed burials, arrow-points, marble pipe, mississippian culture pottery, , numerous engraved shell gorgets , columnella pendants. several items of european manufacture found in excavations, including brass pins , cylindrical glass beads, implying mound site had been inhabited during time of european contact in american southeast. 1 fragmentary engraved shell gorget found during excavations particularly noteworthy. depicts 2 s.e.c.c. birdmen wings , talons feet grasping each other neck 1 hand , wielding ceremonial flint blades other. type of gorget carved in known hightower style. holmes uncovered several rattlesnake , mask style gorgets curious gorget looping lines holmes described interesting object.....the figure obscure considerable study necessary in making out. these pieces in styles known lick creek style , citico style rattlesnake gorgets, chickamauga style mask-like gorgets , williams island or spaghetti style last.
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