Division of lordships Counties of Ireland

extent of norman control in ireland 1300

the pale (red), earldoms , lordships (blue) in 1450

these initial lordships later subdivided smaller liberties , appear have enjoyed same privileges predecessors. division of leinster , munster smaller counties commonly attributed king john, due lack of prior documentary evidence, has been destroyed. however, may have had earlier origin. these counties were: in leinster: carlow (also known catherlogh), dublin, kildare, kilkenny, louth (also known uriel), meath, wexford, waterford; in munster: cork, limerick, kerry , tipperary. thought these counties did not have administrative purpose later attached them until late in reign of king john, , no new counties created until tudor dynasty.

the important office in palatine of seneschal. in liberties came under crown control office held sheriff. sovereign , did appoint sheriffs in palatines; however, power confined church lands, , became known sheriffs of county of cross, of there seem have been many in ireland there county palatines.

the exact boundaries of liberties , shrievalties appears have been in constant flux throughout plantagenet period, seemingly in line extent of english control. example, in 1297 recorded kildare had extended include lands comprise modern-day counties of offaly, laois (leix) , wicklow (arklow). attempts had been made extend county system ulster.

however bruce invasion of ireland in 1315 resulted in collapse of effective english rule in ireland, land controlled crown continually shrinking encompass dublin, , parts of meath, louth , kildare. throughout rest of ireland, english rule upheld earls of desmond, ormond, , kildare (all created in 14th-century), extension of county system impossible. during reign of edward iii (1327-1377) franchises, grants , liberties had been temporarily revoked power passed king s sheriffs on seneschals. may have been due disorganisation caused bruce invasion renouncing of connaught burkes of alligence crown.

the earls of ulster divided territory counties; however, these not considered part of crown s shiring of ireland. in 1333, earldom of ulster recorded consisting of 7 counties: antrim, blathewyc, cragferus, coulrath, del art, dun (also known ladcathel), , twescard.


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