Printemps de Bourges Orelsan
orelsan (middle) performing @ nuits secrètes festival @ aulnoye-aymeries, france on 4 august 2013.
orelsan taken aback controversy, mentioning song existed 2 years explaining in interview planète rap mag: in song, try show how impulsive drive can turn monster. shot clip wearing suit , tie , drinking alcohol, show fiction. in case, apologize violence. attitude of character disgusts me, feel artistically representing incident hatred film clockwork orange does. [...] in storyline, have been deceived girlfriend, , wanted describe impulse of rage can have in such times. not misogynist text on contrary. added: admit these lyrics [can] shock , apologized mentioning had not performed song live several months , not available on album perdu d avance. added: [however] whatever said, less violent series broadcast on tf1, guy gets hit every 5 minutes no reason.
the printemps de bourges organisers insisted on keeping orelsan on show scheduled 25 april 2009, saying in communique: outrageous lyrics of song, have hired orelsan young artist artistic performance noting album not include [particular] song. reason, not remove [the date for] orelsan s performance fulfilling our artistic choices. french language hip hop album presents texts seem perfect reflection of 20-year-old french generation, bit lost , disillusioned. despite explanations, françois bonneau, president of regional council of centre, threatened financial reprisals against festival if didn t reconsider decision. deducted proportional part of subvention festival. orelsan did appear in festival despite campaign.
the printemps de bourges controversy had repercussions elsewhere. when les francofolies de la rochelle festival decided ban orelsan performing, protested intervention, citing censorship on artistic works. singer cali protested organizers including jean-louis foulquier, had in turn accused ségolène royal of threats stop financial support.
frédéric lefebvre, spokesman union pour un mouvement populaire (ump) said matter blown out of proportion declaring supported young artist s freedom of expression , denounced attempts of censorship ségolène royal against him. royal denied chantage or threats, expressing satisfaction organizers had decided cancel orelsan s gig. on 14 july 2009, french minister of culture frédéric mitterrand made declaration of support rapper freedom of expression, judging whole controversy ridiculous. many artists came orelsan s support. many french radio stations have censored @ times orelsan s songs due protests feminists , others, , media have dubbed him eminem of french rap .
orelsan explained lyrics of sale pute afp expression of these mixed feelings between love , hatred, , dropped song repertoire.
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