The Hidden Family The Merchant Princes

the hidden family second book of merchant princes, published in 2005. completes story began in family trade of miriam beckstein s attempts understand , explore new worlds has access to. title suggests, existence of families power worldwalk unknown clan comes of importance in book, shadow war undermine clan continues. story includes miriam s exploration of third world largely unknown clan, massachusetts part of new britain , british monarchy fled america; nation has edwardian mores , 1930s technology. existence of third world complicates security expectations, provides angle attack clan locations might seem safely guarded in both worlds, unguarded in third world.

in hidden family, miriam correctly hypothesizes clan civil war took place around time born caused , intensified third party - distant branch of clan that, while weaker, unknown , had access different world. able perform attacks seemed if must come rival world-walker within clan, came hidden family. miriam believes third party behind attack on birth mother. reasons can t entirely understand, branch family considers existence threat well. miriam has contend elements in clan distrust her. warned in 6 months, large clan meeting occur @ beltaigne, , rivals - including own blood grandmother hildegarde - motion have declared incompetent, deny funds held in trust inheritance. lastly, miriam believes duke lofstram s security forces have mole working hidden family, after several security lapses , attempts on life seemed know much.

both research hidden family, build own personal base of power separate alternative of marrying clan noble , throwing herself under faction s protection, of book concerns miriam s efforts in new britain. miriam gained access via taking new britain locket off 1 of hidden assassins attacked @ end of family trade. there, ships gold - tightly regulated under mercantilist beliefs government requires large supply of bullion - , allies levellers, dissidents royal government demand rights secured in american revolution in miriam s world. erasmus burgeson, leveller quartermaster , pawnshop owner, helps set miriam false identity papers, , miriam moves on next money-making plan. after shipping gold initial funds, instead ship ideas. buys business , begins take old patents 1900s-1950s unfamiliar new britain there, , sell rights ideas.

publishers weekly in review said stross continues mix high , low tech in amusing , surprising ways. however, while giving gritty sf portrait of marvels of modern market economics , correcting pretty portrait of many medieval fantasy lands, overlooks realities constrain both. still, less historically minded readers can lose in miriam s attempts survive clan s equally dangerous high-stakes business , social games. stross weaves tale worthy of robert ludlum or dan brown. roland green reviewing book booklist compared novels in roger zelazny s amber series. hidden family finalist 2006 prometheus award.


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