Weaknesses and crises Communist Party of Austria

a post-war electoral poster saying communists have made sacrifices in liberation [from nazi germany] , demanding free , independent austria .

during 10-year allied occupation 1945–55, threat of national division similar befell post-war germany loomed large. iron curtain dividing european continent 2 halves. during period, kpÖ in constant contact soviet authorities , moscow. following party s poor results in parliamentary elections on november 25, 1945 (st. catherine s day, therefore elections became known katharinen-wahl), kpÖ representative in moscow, friedrich hexmann, had present report politburo proposals on how improve situation party. problem strategy of communists identified being goal build future coalition (volksfront) spÖ. required right-wing shift extent ideological differences between kpÖ , spÖ not readily apparent.

the closeness of kpÖ moscow made many voters wary of party , aims. in former territories of austro-hungarian empire, multiparty democratic systems surely being penetrated , undermined local pro-soviet communist parties covert or overt support of soviets, observable in czechoslovakia, hungary, , poland. iron curtain being drawn closed, austrians feared same fate neighbours.

talks between party leader johann koplenig , stalin (sondermappe codename: gen. filipof(f)) resulted in proposals of possible division of austria between east , west, similar germany. since kpÖ losing votes in parliamentary elections, division , establishment of communist-led east austria have been practical way consolidate @ least part of dwindling power. interestingly, soviet authorities in moscow showed little interest such division various reasons, namely because size of newly established east austria have been quite small , may not have been capable of existing without significant soviet assistance. already, situation in soviet sector of austria difficult soviets confiscated industries, factories, , goods , transported of economic value soviet union part of war-reparations. strategically, division of austria have meant west austria, closely linked nato, have provided connection between west germany , italy. united, neutral austria act barrier, switzerland, thereby securing part of central european front soviets. proposals austrian communists therefore brushed aside.

moscow wanted guarantee of neutrality pre-condition release of austria independence; country not allowed join either side of iron curtain. negotiations underway, kpÖ changed tactics. kpÖ swerved moscow’s stance , supported idea of neutrality during negotiations of austrian state treaty. many members of other parties, such leopold figl, did not want neutrality, firm anchoring west , nato. however, soviets able push demand through. austrian state treaty voted upon on may 15, 1955, declaration of neutrality proclaimed on october 26, 1955. decided in national council votes of Övp, spÖ, , kpÖ; federation of independents (vdu, forerunner of fpÖ) voted against neutrality.

because of economic recovery , end of occupation in 1955, protective power of soviet occupiers lost kpÖ. party lost main pillar of support , shaken internal crisis. many other communist parties around world, kpÖ had oriented towards marxism-leninism of stalinist brand, , has closely allied @ point line of soviet communist party. party’s failure condemn bloody suppression of 1956 hungarian uprising led wave of withdrawals party. on may 10, 1959 kpÖ lost representation in national council, receiving 142,578 votes, 3.3% of total tally , missing 4% election threshold receive seats.

the invasion of czechoslovakia soviet troops in 1968 during prague spring @ first condemned kpÖ. however, in 1971 party revised position , swung soviet line. critic of these developments, former kpÖ minister of education, ernst fischer (who branded tank communism ) expelled party, , readmitted in 1998.

due continuiing fall in support in late 1970s , 1980s, party flirted briefly rightward move towards eurocommunism , democratic socialism. this, in turn, provoked protest of party s core supporters, saw little difference social democracy, , feared weakening of communist cause. following reforms, more 1 third of party s members left. leadership of kpÖ backtracked these changes, , party restored connections cpsu.

having had 150,000 members directly following world war ii, party’s ranks shrank approximately 35,000 in 1960s , few thousands in 1970s. of 2005, membership stands @ 3,500 members.

the kpÖ represented in national council 1945 until 1959, in state assemblies (landtage) (with interruptions) of salzburg until 1949, in lower austria until 1954, in burgenland until 1956, in vienna until 1969 , in carinthia styria until 1970. in upper austria, tyrol , vorarlberg kpÖ never held state representation.


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