The 16th century Germany in the early modern period
1 16th century
1.1 german renaissance
1.2 german reformation
1.3 printing press , literacy
the 16th century
the empire in 1705, map l’empire d’allemagne nicolas de fer
the holy roman empire dominated house of habsburg throughout modern period.
german renaissance
the german renaissance, part of northern renaissance, cultural , artistic movement spread among german thinkers in 15th , 16th centuries, originated italian renaissance in italy. result of german artists had traveled italy learn more , become inspired renaissance movement. many areas of arts , sciences influenced, notably spread of humanism various german states , principalities. there many advances made in development of new techniques in fields of architecture, arts, , sciences. marked time within germany of rise of power, independent city states, , spread of franciscan humanism.
german reformation
the german reformation initiated martin luther leads german peasants war in 1524-1525. luther, along colleague philipp melanchthon, emphasized point in plea reformation @ imperial diet of 1529 amid charges of heresy, edict diet of worms (1521) prohibited innovations. meanwhile, in these efforts retain guise of catholic reformer opposed heretical revolutionary, , appeal german princes religious condemnation of peasant revolts backed doctrine of 2 kingdoms, luther s growing conservatism provoke more radical reformers. @ religious conference zwinglians in 1529, melanchthon joined luther in opposing union zwingli. protestation of lutheran princes @ diet of speyer (1529) , rejection of lutheran augsburg confession @ augsburg (1530), separate lutheran church emerged. in northern europe luther appealed growing national consciousness of german states because denounced pope involvement in politics religion. moreover, backed nobility, justified crush great peasant revolt of 1525 , confiscate church property luther s doctrine of 2 kingdoms. explains attraction of territorial princes lutheranism. however, elector of brandenburg, joachim i, blamed lutheranism revolt , did others. in brandenburg, under successor joachim ii lutheranism established, , old religion not formally extinct in brandenburg until death of last catholic bishop there, georg von blumenthal, bishop of lebus , sovereign prince-bishop of ratzeburg. though charles v fought reformation, no coincidence either reign of nationalistic predecessor maximilian saw beginning of reformation. while centralized states of western europe had reached accords vatican permitting them draw on rich property of church government expenditures, enabling them form state churches autonomous of rome, similar moves on behalf of empire unsuccessful long princes , prince bishops fought reforms drop pretension of secular universal empire.
the printing press , literacy
the reformation , printing press combined mark major breakthrough in spread of literacy. 1517 onward religious pamphlets flooded germany , of europe. 1530 on 10,000 publications known, total of ten million copies. reformation media revolution. luther strengthened attacks on rome depicting against bad church. there, became clear print used propaganda in reformation particular agendas. reformist writers used pre-reformation styles, clichés, , stereotypes , changed items needed own purposes.
illustrations in newly translated bible , in many tracts popularized luther s ideas. lucas cranach elder (1472–1553), great painter patronized electors of wittenberg, close friend of luther, , illustrated luther s theology popular audience. dramatized luther s views on relationship between old , new testaments, while remaining mindful of luther s careful distinctions proper , improper uses of visual imagery.
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