History 9th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

men of 9th regiment , chaplain pause before celebrating mass @ camp cass, virginia, 1861.

the regiment subsequently played supporting roles in battle of fredericksburg , battle of chancellorsville. on 2–4 july 1863 regiment assigned hold strategically important position of big round top during battle of gettysburg. of substantial stone breastworks, regiment withstood several assaults confederate army, taking casualties of 15 killed, wounded, or missing.

the regiment received orders on 30 april 1864 meet enemy under command of general ulysses s. grant. regiment participated in battle of wilderness in virginia resulted in wounding of colonel guiney in eye. command of regiment fell lieutenant colonel hanley. along colonel guiney, regiment suffered casualties of 138 men.

the 9th massachusetts declined renew enlistment term in spring of 1864.

it suffered more severe losses @ orange turnpike, losing 78 men killed , wounded. regiment continued fight @ north anna river , bethesda church near cold harbor light losses. on 10 june 1864, fighting 9th withdrew field , transported boston harbor, arriving on 15 june. regiment mustered out of army on 24 june 1864.

following battle, regiment mustered out of service , returned boston on 15 june 1864. soldiers had elected renew enlistment terms transferred 32nd massachusetts. following welcoming parade , banquet @ faneuil hall, men of regiment mustered out in ceremony on boston common on 21 june 1864 , regiment disbanded.


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