Gameplay Detroit (video game)

1 gameplay

1.1 manager s office
1.2 research , development
1.3 design , testing
1.4 manufacturing , sales
1.5 marketing


the player starts off factory , number of distributors. player set against 3 competitors, can either human or computer. game tends follow common steps in project lifecycle involves planning of product, development of product, testing of product , release public. player expected follow process whenever wish develop new automobile.

each turn 1 month, , game lasts approximately 100 years. @ start of each month, player presented money ledger showing prior month s business. @ time newspapers announce if cars doing or if there special world events. world events vastly effect gameplay are: world war i, great depression, world war ii, , energy crisis of 1970s. of these events negatively affect demand cars, exception of energy crisis targets low-mileage vehicles.

if @ time player bankrupt long enough, game ends scene of player s avatar jumping out of window.

the different aspects of business covered different buildings @ factory (which pictorial representation of main menu). clicking on 1 of these buildings bring following departments:

manager s office

the manager s office acts player s interface numbers end of business. available here financial data concerning car models, factory production numbers, competition information, car reviews, , more. player can manage number of employees @ factories, hire , fire new employees factories, manage salaries (especially important keep workers striking), , commission reports find out more automobiles.

a unique feature available in manager s office ability print reports computer s printer.

research , development

the research , development screen allows player invest researchers fields of development. these fields range aesthetic changes such body shape) more technical ones such new engines, suspension, brakes, safety , luxury features. game references many real-world auto features fields progress, such drum brakes , windshield wipers , , more.

design , testing

one of core parts of gameplay ability design new vehicles. designing body involves choosing type of automobile (car, truck, etc.) , 3 main sections of car: front, middle, , rear. color can specified has no discernible impact on sales or reviews of car.

as player s research , development team develops more advanced features car, become available on design screen. however, parts have associated cost , drive cost of vehicle. affect test results of car. time progresses, public demand different styles of car. example, in energy crisis, consumers demand more fuel efficient cars. can game of trial-and-error finding vehicle public likes.

during testing phase car tested , given rating handling in corner, braking, acceleration, capacity (cargo , passenger), fuel economy, , safety. generally, better performance of car, more success, if conforms demands of time or excels against competition.

manufacturing , sales

the manufacturing , sales screen allows player manage production , distribution of vehicles. world map of territories displayed, whereby player can click individual territories display factory , showroom in territory. here 1 can open or close down new factories , showrooms or upgrade level of factories make them more productive. supply routes between factories , showrooms set , prioritized on screen. price of vehicles in each territory can set here.


here player can invest funds marketing of vehicles through various forms of media. more effective others depending in year player @ in game. examples of media 1 can advertise include billboards, newspapers, women s magazines, radio , television.


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