Works Vincent J.F. Huang
1 works
1.1 in name of civilization
1.2 prisoner s dilemma
1.3 modern atlantis
1.4 turtle carpet
1.5 last enjoyment before melting
1.6 last penguins-taichi
1.7 last penguins-terra-cotta penguins
1.8 suicide penguins
1.9 naked truth
1.10 dried little mermaid in tuvalu
huang’s recent works include following:
in name of civilization
(2013/steel & motors): in project, huang transformed original function of oil pump of killing machine, brutally murdered natural species via viewer participation. viewers squeezed hand-held oil pump, rising sea levels registered on gas meter , giant oil rig activated, decapitating sea turtle , hanging wall street bull. specific work used form massive interactive installation @ 2013 venice biennale , served metaphor human civilization’s destruction of natural environment.
prisoner s dilemma
(2013/fiber glass & digital print on scroll paper): featured @ venice biennale, prisoner’s dilemma depicts statue of liberty kneeling portraits of penguin terra-cotta soldiers (symbolic of terracotta army) represent shadows of ancient chinese custom of creating objects sacrifice—just our current lifestyle negatively affects , “sacrifices” penguins. statue of liberty in prisoner’s dilemma not single out united states, statue used symbolize highly advanced human civilization , fact humans have become slaves self-indulgence , desire and, in fact, prisoners lifestyles. if viewers can let go of egos , kneel down in repentance in front of sacrificed penguins, may have opportunity set things right.
modern atlantis
(2013/aquarium, eco-marine system, live coral, lionfish, & starfish): modern atlantis project, significant work @ venice biennale, features aquarium houses coral reefs growing on miniature sculptures depicting iconic landmarks of civilized , capitalist society. create modern atlantis, civilized mankind flooded rising sea levels, becoming underwater spectacle climate change continues. contrast, coral in aquarium free grow until resources in tank consumed , landmarks of civilization have disappeared.
turtle carpet
(2013/rubber): turtle carpet situated @ entrance enclosure containing installations tuvalutis , modern atlantis @ tuvalu pavilion. work consists of rubber “rug” molded shape of several tuvalu turtles show signs of being run over, stepped on, , otherwise mutilated. viewer forced tread on turtles during exhibition, triggers shocking screaming sound, reminding audience of unwitting damage cause environment every day.
the last enjoyment before melting
(2010/traditional chinese ink painting on silk): work transforms history of famous classical chinese painting (the night revels of han xizai; southern tang), transferring scene in which, when unable face inevitable war , service unrighteous government, subjects choose endless carousing , singing, depiction of penguins who, when unable save earth destruction, have no choice engage in final banquet of enjoyment , leisure.
the last penguins-taichi
(2010/fiber glass): last penguins-taichi employs eastern philosophy of “all things in harmonious coexistence.” penguins wearing ancient eastern dress , ornaments form focus of installation. before global warming inevitably destroys these animal victims, forcing them melt sea, sacrificed penguins appear in final taichi (taiji) poses, attempting mitigate environmental peril created humankind.
the last penguins-terra-cotta penguins
(2010/fiber glass): in piece, reference 1987 movie last emperor directed bernardo bertolucci, historical practice chinese terra-cotta warriors used sacrificial objects cruel qin shi huang, first emperor of unified china, transformed installation depicting group of penguins in terra-cotta warrior dress signify sacrifices made global environment in name of development of human civilization. terra-cotta soldiers, formerly funeral objects, became treasures of human civilization after unearthed. contrast, after being “un-iced,” terra-cotta penguins disappear because of global warming, thereby becoming funeral objects once again.
suicide penguins
(2010/fiber glass): suicide penguins, project involving hanged penguin victims, conducted in front of tate modern in london in 2010. during project, penguin , polar bear victims unable tolerate destruction of natural world (as caused humankind) hanged in despair. in view of helplessness, these victims engaged in protest performance in braved tortures of death admonish human world against further environmental upheaval.
naked truth
(2010/fiber glass): outraged @ global warming , neglect of environmental issues, penguins removed “overcoats,” is, skin, , evolved hairless or “naked” penguins. after taking drastic action, penguins launched protest activities in european cities warn world of dangers befall human , animal society if global warming not stopped.
dried little mermaid in tuvalu
(2010/local dried coconuts): after 2009 copenhagen climate summit (2009 united nations climate change conference) failed, huang used dried coconuts found on shores of tuvalu, had fallen because of sea level rise , toppling of coconut trees, assemble grieving mermaid symbolic of failures @ copenhagen. piece burned during night accusation of , protest against humankind’s neglect of environmental , climate problems in favor of pursuit of rapid economic development.
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