The Freedom Fighter.27s Manual United States propaganda comics

the freedom fighter s manual

a graphic de-classified cia manual air-dropped on nicaragua in 1980s

the freedom fighter s manual published january 28, 1985 part of united states government s aid contras in nicaraguan revolution. instructional manual comic book introduces guerrilla various techniques, , including terrorism, resistance movements can utilize in conflict sandinista national liberation front. manual developed central intelligence agency part of covert activities in nicaragua. manual offered instructions non-violent activities such work slowdowns, minor sabotage , wasting resources. however, offered instructions on how set fires makeshift time fuses, demonstrated making of molotov cocktails , suggested using them firebomb government buildings such police stations. comic book states practical guide liberating nicaragua oppression , misery paralyzing military–industrial complex of traitorous marxist state without having use special tools , minimal risk combatant. comic reasons necessity , ultimate goal of guerilla warfare:

guerrilla warfare political war. therefore, area of operations exceeds territorial limits of conventional warfare, penetrate political entity itself: political animal aristotle defined.


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