Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy, The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles, and Masks of the Illuminati Robert Anton Wilson

wilson wrote 2 more popular fiction series. first, trilogy later published single volume, schrödinger s cat. second, historical illuminatus chronicles, appeared 3 books. in between publishing 2 trilogies wilson released stand-alone novel, masks of illuminati (1981), fits into, due main character s ancestry, historical illuminatus chronicles timeline and, while published earlier, qualify fourth volume in series.

schrödinger s cat consists of 3 volumes: universe next door, trick top hat, , homing pigeons. wilson set 3 books in differing alternative universes, , of characters remain same may have different names, careers , background stories. books cover fields of quantum mechanics , varied philosophies , explanations exist within science. single volume describes magical textbook , type of initiation. single-volume edition omits many entire pages , has many other omissions when compared original separate books.

the historical illuminatus chronicles, composed of earth shake (1982), widow s son (1985), , nature s god (1991), follows timelines of several characters through different generations, time periods, , countries. books cover, among many other topics, history, legacy, , rituals of illuminati , related groups.

masks of illuminati, featuring historical characters in fictionalized setting, contains great deal of occult data. intermixing albert einstein, james joyce, aleister crowley, sigmund freud, carl jung, vladimir ilyich lenin, , others, book focuses on pan , other occult icons, ideas, , practices. book includes homages, parodies , pastiches both lives , works of crowley , joyce.


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