Religion Waterhouses, County Durham

st. paul s church, waterhouses

waterhouses has public church, st. paul s. vicar fr. michael peers.

when village first established, anglican services held in old cottage near high waterhouse farm, used school. 1866 arthur duncombe shafto, rector of brancepeth, proposed building of new church , school , community began raising funds. in february 1868 lord boyne of brancepeth castle donated 1 rood , 20 perches of land rector site new church. boyne contributed funds church built @ cost of 580 pounds.

in 1869 bishop, reverend shafto , 2 curates, opened building chapel of ease. in 1877 , 1878 agreements drawn enabled reverence shafto sell mineral right property 12,000 pounds. investment of money confirmed queen victoria in 1878 provide common fund st. john s, brandon , proposed new district @ waterhouses. further work on building made suitable parish church, , bishop consecrated church st. paul s, waterhouses. mission-church @ esh winning ceded waterhouses in 1911.

waterhouses cemetery

the original chapel of ease designed c. hodgson fowler , built r. sanderson. included nave , chancel of cavity wall construction , built of machine-pressed, sulphur-coloured bricks bearing pease stamp. foundation course sandstone , walls supported buttresses. nave provided benches 200 worshipers , lead-lined font occupied west end. on north side, small connecting vestry led porch on south side. chancel had 3 windows in enclosing arch , long wall of nave lit small lancet windows.

in 1883 extension of church included entrance lobby , sacristy. gallery designed seat 54 children, reached staircase. in 1892 entry south porch blocked place organ in corner, , in 1897 door opened in north vestry. new aisle constructed between 1895 , 1915 on north side provided arcade of 4 arches , door choir vestry. church obtained vincent (sunderland) organ, built 1902. ridge of roof built 1 belfry 1 bell , fleche. in 1920 plain glass of east window removed , replaced stained glass.

in 1988 church restored , new slate roof cover installed. mission hall/sunday school built outside church in 1981. proposals cemetery led heated disagreements , local cemetery built @ ridding wood instead. vicarage built in 1887, decline of coal mining led vacating of vicarage in 1970s. new vicarage built in esh winning in 1978.


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