Marriage Henrietta Maria of France

henrietta maria , king charles charles, prince of wales, , princess mary, painted anthony van dyck, 1633. greyhound symbolises marital fidelity between charles , henrietta maria.

henrietta maria first met future husband in paris, in 1623, while travelling spain duke of buckingham discuss possible marriage infanta maria anna of spain – charles first saw @ french court entertainment. charles trip spain ended badly, however, king philip iv of spain demanded convert catholicism , live in spain year after wedding ensure england s compliance terms of treaty. charles outraged, , upon returning england in october, , buckingham demanded king james declare war on spain.

searching elsewhere bride, charles looked france instead. english agent kensington sent paris in 1624 examine potential french match, , marriage negotiated in paris james hay , henry rich. henrietta maria aged fifteen @ time of marriage, not unusually young royal princesses of period. views on henrietta maria s appearance vary; husband s niece, sophia of hanover commented the... beautiful portraits of van dyck had given me such fine idea of ladies of england surprised see queen, had seen beautiful , lean, woman past prime. arms long , lean, shoulders uneven, , of teeth coming out of mouth tusks.... did, however, have pretty eyes, nose, , complexion....

the new queen brought england huge quantity of expensive possessions; including diamonds, pearls, rings, diamond buttons, satin , velvet gowns, embroidered cloaks, skirts, velvet chapelles; 10,000 livres worth of plate, chandeliers, pictures, books, vestments , bedroom sets her, ladies in waiting, twelve oratorian priests , pages.

henrietta maria married charles proxy on 11 may 1625, shortly after accession throne. married in person @ st. augustine s church, canterbury, kent, on 13 june 1625, catholic religion made impossible crowned husband in anglican service; henrietta maria proposed french catholic bishop of mendes crown instead, unacceptable charles , court. henrietta maria allowed watch charles being crowned, @ discreet distance. in end, failure crowned went down badly london crowds, although england s pro-french policy gave way rapidly policy of supporting french huguenot uprisings, , disengagement european politics internal problems grew.


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