Henrietta Maria and the arts Henrietta Maria of France

the queen s house @ greenwich, completed under henrietta maria s sponsorship of inigo jones.

henrietta maria had strong interest in arts, , patronage of various activities 1 of various ways in tried shape court events. henrietta maria , charles dedicated , knowledgeable collectors of paintings. henrietta maria particularly known patronage of italian painter orazio gentileschi, came england henrietta maria in 1626 part of favourite françois de bassompierre s entourage. orazio , daughter artemisia gentileschi responsible huge ceiling paintings of queen s house @ henrietta maria s palace in greenwich. of henrietta maria s favourite painters italian guido reni, supported miniature painters jean petitot , jacques bourdier.

henrietta maria became key patron in stuart masques, complementing husband s strong interest in paintings , visual arts. performed in various works herself, including amazon in william davenant s 1640 salmacida spolia . henrietta maria helped support musical works of english composer nicholas lanier, , responsible davenant being appointed poet laureat in 1638.

the queen liked physical sculpture , design too, , retained designer inigo jones surveyor of works during 1630s. charles, henrietta maria enthusiastic garden design, although not horticulture itself. employed french gardener andré mollet create baroque garden @ wimbledon house.

she patronised huguenot sculptor le sueur, , responsible lavish creation of famous chapel, that, although plain on outside, beautifully crafted inside gold , silver reliquaries, paintings, statues, chapel garden , magnificent altarpiece rubens. had unusual monstrance, designed françois dieussart exhibit holy sacrament.


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