The treason of Barb.C3.A8s Armand Barbès
photograph of armand barbès in holland, 1869 released prison in 1848, barbès seemed contemporaries obsessed thwarting blanqui. elected constituent assembly of 23 april 1848, barbès, @ extreme left of chamber, represented native department of aude. parliamentary career brief, however, since, on 15 may, demonstrators invaded assembly, under pretext of presenting petition urging government become more involved in liberation of poland. barbès, opposed demonstration, , tried disperse crowd, seemed lose head when saw auguste blanqui in assembly chamber. in effort seize demonstration tool bludgeon enemy, sparked riot in front of city hall, new, , more radical, republic proclaimed. insurgency deflated when national guard arrived stop barbes. sentenced life imprisonment in april 1849 high court of justice, after found guilty of 2 major charges, attack aimed overthrow government, , incitement civil war. later, karl marx wrote in class struggles in france: on 12 may [1848, proletariat] sought ...